Backyard Composting Book by John Roulac

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This book discusses all types of composting, how to start, how to maintain and how to use the end product. The best companion for a garden composter, beginner and expert alike.

Composting allows you to do something for the part of the Earth you live with day by day; your own back garden. Backyard Composting follows basic values, such as putting things where they belong and not making a mess. Composting at home reduces your personal volume of rubbish, conserves water, increases plant growth, replaces the need for toxic chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and is also fun.

While you may not win an 'environmental hero of the year' award, your trees, earthworms, butterflies and other flora and fauna will be grateful for your composting acheivements! With this little book you can learn how easy it is to: START - Discusses all types of composting bins and how to build your own bin from scrap materials. MAINTAIN - Includes easy-to-make 'hot recipes', time-saving tips and a troubleshooting chart. USE - Save money by making your own free fertilizer at home from leaves, grass and kitchen scraps. Printed on 100% Recycled Paper

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Approx. Delivery Time3-5 Days
Height (CM)2
Width (CM)22
Depth (CM)28
Weight (KG)0.2
Special Price£3.33

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