
How to Save Water This Christmas

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Christmas is a fantastic time of year to look towards the future, not only in our own lives but also in the lives of others. Water conservation is one of the best things we can do individually, that can help others in the future, and with the amount of cooking and cleaning that goes on in and around Christmas, there are many ways in which you can limit your water usage!


Whether you are prepping your house for guests, or cleaning up after Christmas day, you're sure to do your fair share of cleaning. This can take a fair bit of water to accomplish, especially if you're cleaning the whole house.

Lemon and vinegar is a great alternative to most chemical cleaning options, and you're bound to use less water overall. Why not try a more organic cleaning solution for Christmas?

Re-Use Water

Preparing the Christmas dinner the night before is a popular tradition, and saves time on Christmas day. While you're soaking vegetables, why not keep that water to be used the next day for when you boil your veg?

Similarly, once you've finished boiling your vegetables, you can use the same water for your garden! Starch released from potatoes and other veg can stimulate nutrient release in the soil.

Food Scraps

Rather than scraping food waste in to your bin (where it will end up in landfill), or rinsing your plate under the tap (wasting water), why not simply add your food waste to a composter?

A composter can break down most types of food waste, but a hot-composter will be needed to break down meat and cheese. This will provide you with nutrient-rich compost which you can use for your garden!

General Tips

  • Fill a dishwasher to the brim to make the most of the water, if washing in the sink, be sure to use a bowl
  • Keep cold pitchers of water in the fridge so you don't have to run the tap every time
  • Don't defrost frozen foods with hot water, leave them overnight to defrost on their own
  • If you have a real tree, use any leftover water to keep it watered
  • You can use a water butt to harvest rainwater and provide usable water for your toilet, washing machine, and more!


How to start living organically for Organic September

Organic September was founded by the Soil Association to try to encourage consumers to try organic produce and become more aware of farming procedures. From making smart purchase choices to growing your own fruit and veg, starting an organic living journey can begin with the smallest of steps. Whether you want to cut down your impact on the Earth or you wish to help wildlife and animals, living organically can aid more than just the environment directly around you. With more of us becoming eco-conscious and aware, it no surprise that sales of Soil Association labelled organic products are on the up, although we must be aware that some items are not all they seem.

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You can be water smart, with Thames Water and Water Butts Direct

You can be water smart, with Thames Water and Water Butts Direct

Water is a very valuable commodity and as our population increases, the need for running water becomes greater.  Small wastes can become large-scale problems when many households exhaust the supply. You may already be trying to preserve your water supply by not wasting water and not using excessive amounts for household tasks, but there may be more you could do. Water Butts Direct have teamed up with Thames Water to help and educate people on how to use and save their water better.

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Water Preservation is a Hot Topic at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Water Preservation is a Hot Topic at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Water Preservation is a Hot Topic at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

The RHS Chelsea Flower Show has been one of the most prestigious flower shows in the world since its inception in 1912. Known for inventive displays and outrageous exhibitions, the show is at the forefront of showcasing fashion, beauty and pushing boundaries in the gardening world. 2019 was no different.

Given how this show is known for having the latest styles and trends, it was perhaps unsurprising that with the recent attention in the media focused on the environment, some of the themes centred around water preservation, sustainability and finding eco-friendly ways of living. Many of the displays were either made from eco-friendly resources, revealed inventions to help green programs across the world or were trying to raise awareness.

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Easy Eco-Friendly Changes You Should Make in Your Home

Easy Eco-Friendly Changes You Should Make in Your Home

Making some small and affordable changes around your home can have a huge effect on the environment. These changes can help to reduce your carbon footprint whilst also saving you money.

In this post, we’ve put together our top-tips of eco-friendly changes that you can make in your home. We’ve left out recycling as you’ll likely be doing this if you’re interested in living an eco-friendly life.

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